Boundless Opportunities
With the current COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the world, many of us are adjusting to what is, as opposed to our perception of what could have been if nothing had occurred.
From our own experiences with our amazing candidates, we understand the current tensions and anxieties people are feeling as a result of looking forward to potentially starting a new life adventure in a new country, to now being either excluded from society in lockdown or performing at the front line as an essential worker to help manage and overcome the pandemic, and the uncertainty these situations bring.
I have been searching for a message to share to help refocus our attention and intention and to make the most of the current circumstances, as we are certain on the other side of this there are going to be boundless opportunities. That message was delivered to me via an email I believe encapsulates the very message I wanted to share, which I believe will be valuable to you and your loved ones.
The email I received was from world renowned Human Behavioral Specialist, Educator and Author Dr. John Demartini, whom I consider to be the smartest guy on the planet. For some time now I have subscribed to his teachings and technology and can only highly recommend him to you. You can find him at as well as a new facebook group titled “COVID-19 – Stay Inspired with Dr. Demartini”, a page dedicated to keeping you objective and inspired during this time. The email I received is reproduced below.
The world is certainly undergoing transformation. With change often comes anxieties, the fear of loss of that which we seek and the fear of gain of that which we desire to avoid. The more centred, objective and neutral we are, the more resilient, adaptable and malleable we become to this temporary transformation. That is why sticking to high priority actions is wisdom.
One of the many questions I am currently receiving is what can I do today to reduce the potentially avoidable challenges associated with the Coronavirus?
Anything that enhances or optimizes your immune system would be warranted and wise.
- Eating wisely,
- Remain hygienic
- Drinking fresh water,
- Getting adequate rest,
- Getting adequate sun exposure,
- Balanced breathing deeply,
- Filling your days with high priority actions,
- Remaining objective more than irrational and
- Identifying the many hidden upsides to any of the so-called downsides.
It is the challenges in life that often initiate great innovations, creative solutions and ingenious actions.
During this period of collective social challenge, it is possibly a time for even more determined action, a time for renewal, or a time for a new direction.
There is no crisis without a blessing, no challenge without an opportunity, no set back without a step forward and no experience that can’t initiate greater meaning.
It is not what happens to us that matters as much as how we respond to it.
We have control over our perceptions, decisions and actions – but not all of the many events or so-called circumstances around us. It is wise to continue to ask yourself what the highest priority action is that you can take in each moment.
It is wise to see how everything around us is ultimately on the way more than in the way.
Do not let so-called outer circumstances dictate your final outcomes.
Let the voice and the vision on the inside become greater than all opinions on the outside and you will become a master of your destiny more than a victim of your history.
Masters have foresight and create contingency plans while the masses often have hindsight and remain clueless with reaction.
Love and wisdom,
Dr. John Demartini
Human Behavioral Specialist, Educator and Author
So in this time we recommend staying centered, objective and neutral, sticking to high priority actions and refocusing on what is and has been important to you. Take this time to proactively go after what you have desired, secure in the knowledge it is a temporary set back and on the other side there are going to be boundless opportunities for you and your loved ones to pursue.
Now is a time to get ahead of the curve and take action to position yourself and gain first mover advantage for the boundless opportunities that will present themselves. We are here to assist where we can, and look forward to the opportunity to help you on your new life adventure. Contact us for a confidential discussion and refer family, friends and colleagues and be rewarded.
Please feel free to share this with anyone you believe could benefit from it at this time. Good luck and stay safe.